Family Support Services

Strong family support can be a powerful tool in mental health. These services can equip families with knowledge, coping skills, and resources to navigate mental health challenges together, fostering a more supportive and understanding environment that promotes recovery for everyone involved.

Parent Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy for Your Parenting Journey

Whether you're:

  • Preparing for parenthood and want to build a strong foundation

  • Feeling overwhelmed as a new parent and need tools for managing stress

  • A seasoned parent seeking ways to improve communication and connection

We'll work together on:

  • Building Confidence: Gain the self-assurance to parent effectively, free from self-doubt.

  • Emotional Awareness: Identify and manage your emotions, preventing them from impacting your parenting style.

  • Breaking Cycles: Uncover and address past experiences that might unconsciously influence your parenting.

  • Healthy Communication: Develop clear and effective communication skills with your children.

  • Creating a Supportive Environment: Foster a nurturing and positive space for your whole family.

By prioritizing your well-being, you can become a more present, resilient, and confident parent. Sessions are collaborative and tailored to your needs, focusing on proactive strategies to avoid projecting or displacing your issues.

Invest in yourself, invest in your family.

Parent Coaching

Develop proactive coping mechanisms to manage stress and emotional triggers.

  • Learn interpersonal effectiveness skills to build strong, healthy relationships with your children.

  • Break cycles of projection or displacement and parent from a place of calm and understanding.

  • Set boundaries and create a calm, nurturing environment

  • Learn about what your child’s mental health disorder is all about and the best approaches to support and connect with them.

  • Develop an understanding of CBT and DBT skills to model for your child how and when to incorporate skills into everyday life.

Parent Coaching is not about fixing your child, it's about educating and empowering you!

Family Support (individual or multiple)

Finding Support When Family Mental Health Affects You

Living with a family member who has a mental health disorder can be challenging. You may feel overwhelmed, stressed, or unsure how to navigate the situation. Therapy can provide a safe and supportive space to process these experiences.

We'll explore:

  • The impact: How your family member's mental health has affected you emotionally and practically.

  • Healthy coping mechanisms: Develop tools to manage stress and prioritize your own well-being.

  • Communication strategies: Learn to set boundaries and communicate effectively with your loved one.

  • Finding support: Explore resources and support systems available to you.

You Don't Have to Go Through This Alone:

Individual therapy can empower you to find strength and resilience. Let's work together to build a support system and develop skills to thrive, both for yourself and your family.

**I can also provide education surrounding the different levels and types of treatment and provide referrals for programs that specialize in your loved ones ares of concern.**

Understanding that parenthood is demanding, I offer flexible scheduling options, including early mornings and later evenings.